It’s a marketing tactic that works for the most part and is a good way for you to test the product before you buy it.As more and more valuable information gets stored on our computer, the last thing we don’t want to happen is losing them from a bad dead hard drive. However, keeping that in mind, most of the features are locked until you buy the premium version. Plus, you won’t have anything to lose since they are free. Even though you won’t get the best service with the free backup software.

This can hurt you if your business is small and you want to maximize on every profit, or if you’re a college student and penny pinch whenever you get the chance to. Most data Backup software are quite expensive and can run up to 9.99 a month. It also provide Live boot CD for recovery. Redo backup is a Open source software and is completely free. In addition, you are granted a data recovery tool and data wipe utility. In case you have an older computer and soon plan on upgrading but don’t want to lose any progress RedoBackup is perfect for you. It’s at its best if you are worried for your entire hard-drive. Well, Redo Backup is perfect for this task. Maybe you want to backup your entire hard drive to a disc. Maybe you don’t want to just backup your internal or external drive. Option to create emergency disk and it support multiple language.256 bit aes encryption and log reporting.Other utilities that it provide is Backup management, Backup compression, spliting of backup image.Many recovery option as like backup options.System backup, disk imaging, file backup, incremental backup, differential backup.But one thing EaseUS is known for is their easy to use user interface and zero to no learning curve. It has most of the features that you come to expect like scheduled backups and different formats to download on. Aside from the limited space and locked features, EaseUS free version is worth the grab. The free version comes with a lot of features equivalent to the paid version. So it isn’t a surprise that the free version makes it own the list. EaseUS -the premium version- is one of the greatest cloud back software ever made.